Monday, September 24, 2012

My First Post, Welcome!

The Premiere
Welp, here goes nothing, I'm not much of a writer, so I'll keep my intro to the min.  Like any other girl, I've always enjoyed looking at pretty things, but I think my true love for fashion emerged once I said "peace" to my Catholic school uniforms and came down to Florida to attend college at The University of Miami (and I could not possibly say that more proudly).  It took me awhile to find my style niche, while also adjusting to almost-always-hot weather down in Miami, but I'm pretty sure I've found it, along with a new love.  Not only did being surrounded by fashion and -istas help me get my start, but I think a semester over in Prague did my style well, too.  I love classic, vintage fashion, and I'm a firm believer that a good pair of shoes and the right accessories can turn any outfit into something unique and trendy.  

I'm really not even sure where this blog will take you (or me?), but follow along for fashion insights.


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